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HSE Vaccination Centre: Traffic Management

21 May 2021

As you will be aware, the HSE Vaccination Centre is located at Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis.

The HSE, Fire Services, An Garda Síochána and Ennis Municipal District have reviewed the entry/exit requirements to the Treacys West County Hotel HSE Vaccination Centre, and it will be necessary during the peak operation of the Vaccination Centre, that only left-turn entry and exit would be permitted.

This will require control bollards to be in place to stop right-turn entry and exit from the Vaccination Centre. This will obstruct the right turn exit from Abbeycourt-Abbeyville and right turn into Abbeycourt-Abbeyville from the R458 Clare Road.

The system will be implemented prior to the peak activity at the Vaccination Centre.

Motorists from Abbeycourt-Abbeyville will have to exit left only to the Westfields/ Hawthorn’s roundabout and rotate right to travel towards Ennis and traffic travelling towards Ennis on the R458 Clare road will have to proceed to the St Flannan’s Roundabout, rotate and proceed to Abbeycourt-Abbeyville.

The rerouting will be in place from Friday, 21st May, 2021, until the end of October 2021 (six months) subject to Covid-19 restrictions being lifted.

Page last updated: 21/05/21

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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